Hye guys, the April 2014 Zombie Destruction run and Gun was a great event, and I want to thank everyone for helping make the April Run and Gun a safe and successful event. We had right at 120 runners for both days and the race went very smoothly.
We are already making changes to the course for the October event, adding obstacles and improving the stations and targets so that the event can run even smoother this next event. With more challenges and a redesign of some of the shooting stations. If you have any suggestions or comments about the last event, or something you would like to see in the upcoming event, email me at mike@battleroadusa.com.
We still have a couple of slots available for ROs. If you would like to come and run the event with the staff on Friday, then stay on and help run the event for the general public on Saturday, we will waive your fees and you will get a shirt and dinner on us. You can email mark@battleroadusa.com to submit your name for an RO position.
We want to stress that the while we do everything possible to make the run and gun a safe and regulated event, we have plenty of rules, a scoring system and we issue course of fire and round counts ahead of the event, the run and gun is also a very informal event. We have pretty informal procedures for the event,(not talking about safety) and we may have some small changes to the course distance or the round count, even right before the event. If this is something that is going to give you grief, then this is probably not the event for you.
I believe the eventbrite page is open for registration so don't wait to secure your spot on the schedule.
For those of you who have not attended one of the prior run and gun events, here is what we do.
The course is a 4.5 mile looping trail with 8-or more, shooting stations for rifle and pistol. In addition there are obstacles between the stations, some man made, climbing walls, fence gates, stacks of tires, barbed wire low crawls, narrow bridges with no handrails. And some natural, fallen logs, hog holes, mud holes, creeks.
Your scoring is based on your run time for completing the course, and your shooting time at each station.
Anytime you are in any kind of sporting or shooting event, it is inherently dangerous. You can trip and fall, get cut on sharp rocks, get punctured by thorns or bitten by insects and wild animals, or worse. We depend on the runners to maintain a "safety first" state of mind and follow the safety rules and guidelines, and use good common sense during the entire time they are handling firearms. Whether on the run itself, or in the assembly area or dining etc. We encourage you to wear a sidearm and to have your rifle on you during your time at the event. But we want you to do it in a safe manner. No unsafe handling of firearms whether at your vehicle or on the run. Walking about, have your rifle slung with mag out and safety on. If one of the ROs or staff see you breaking the safety rules during the run or in any of the other areas, you will be asked to leave and you will forfeit your fees.
You are allowed to have a holstered pistol with mag in and a round in the chamber while on site and during the run, safety on if the particular model has a safety, but you will run with a rifle that has the mag out, safety on and chamber open. The rifle will be checked for safe on arrival at each station and upon finishing each stage. You will run the event with a safe rifle at all times. Your fingers will stay out of the trigger guard and off the triggers at all times when not engaging targets. During the course of shooting a stage, whether a rifle or pistol stage, your rifle or pistol will be kept oriented down range/in a safe direction, at all times. Safety is something you want us to be tough on right? And we will be. Failure to follow these safety rules will result in your disqualification, ejection form the event and forfeiture of fees.
We have tried several different methods of selecting run order, and we have found that we always have to end up doing it in a fashion that allows us to get the most runners safely and quickly out on the run. So while you may ask to be first or last, your position will ultimately be determined by what is best for the run.
You will need to have all the gear on you that you will need to complete the run. No one can give you any thing along the way or you will receive a time penalty. You will need to have your own time keeping devices to record wait time if any at the shooting stations.
The course is marked very clearly. 95 out of 100 runners have no problems following the course, However, If for some reason you are running the course and find you do not see any markers ahead of you, stop and look around you. The course is marked very clearly. There are engineer tapes, paint arrows on the ground, paint markings on trees. We have found that if folks are just keeping their eyes on the ground while navigating the course and not watching for markers, they may end up running off course. This may keep you from tripping, but you will need to pay attention to course markers as well. If you go off course, retrace your steps until you are once again guided by the markers. Trying to hack your own trail could allow you to walk into the firing fan of a shooting stage.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at mike@battleroad.com and I will be glad to answer any questions or fill in any gaps in info. Thanks, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the event in October.
Michael Adam